Individual Healthcare Plans
Not to be confused with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).
For children with complex health needs:
- an individual plan may be appropriate for your child. Talk to your school if you are not sure.
- an Individual healthcare plan will help school to effectively plan what your child needs. It can provide details such as who will do what, and when.
- you will be able to share your views and those of your child. Let school know of any changes to your child's needs so the plan can be amended.
- this plan can also include your child's Special Educational Needs (where an EHCP is not in place).
- though school will be responsible for finalising and maintaining the plan, healthcare and social care or other professionals should be involved in the process.
You can read more in the Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at School government guidance.
Where an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan is in place
If your child is too unwell, or you have identified barriers to them attending the school named in their Education, Health and Care plan, you could contact the Local Authority to request an early annual review.
Annual reviews provide the opportunity to:
- update circumstances
- discuss progress being made towards outcomes
- ask for any amendments you would like to be made to the plan

A model for developing an Individual Health Care Plan
1. Parent or healthcare professional informs school that any of the following apply to the child:
- Has been newly diagnosed
- Is due to attend a new school
- Is due to return to school after long-term absence
2. Needs have changed
3. Headteacher or senior member of school staff to whom this has been delegated, co-ordinates meeting to discuss child’s medical support needs; identifies member of school staff who will provide support to pupil
4. Meeting to discuss and agree on need for IHCP to include:
- Key school staff
- Child
- Parent
- Relevant healthcare professional
- Other medical/health clinician as appropriate (or to consider written evidence provided by them)
5. Develop IHCP in partnership- agree who leads on writing it. Input from healthcare professional must be provided
6. School staff training needs identified
7. Healthcare professional commissions/delivers training and staff signed-off as competent- review date agreed IHCP implemented and circulated to all relevant staff
8. IHCP reviewed annually or when condition changes. Parent or healthcare professional to initiate meeting- return to step 3 above.

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